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The cart context available if the CartProvider is used previously in the React components tree.


addShippingMethodUseMutationResult<Response<StoreCartsRes>, Error, StorePostCartsCartShippingMethodReq, unknown>Required
A mutation used to add a shipping method to the cart during checkout. Using it is equivalent to using the useAddShippingMethodToCart mutation.
completeCheckoutUseMutationResult<Response<StoreCompleteCartRes>, Error, void, unknown>Required
A mutation used to complete the cart and place the order. Using it is equivalent to using the useCompleteCart mutation.
createCartUseMutationResult<Response<StoreCartsRes>, Error, undefined | StorePostCartReq, unknown>Required
A mutation used to create a cart. Using it is equivalent to using the useCreateCart mutation.
payUseMutationResult<Response<StoreCartsRes>, Error, StorePostCartsCartPaymentSessionReq, unknown>Required
A mutation used to select a payment processor during checkout. Using it is equivalent to using the useSetPaymentSession mutation.
setCart(cart: Omit<Cart, "refundable_amount" | "refunded_total">) => voidRequired
A state function used to set the cart object.
startCheckoutUseMutationResult<Response<StoreCartsRes>, Error, void, unknown>Required
A mutation used to initialize payment sessions during checkout. Using it is equivalent to using the useCreatePaymentSession mutation.
The number of items in the cart.
updateCartUseMutationResult<Response<StoreCartsRes>, Error, StorePostCartsCartReq, unknown>Required
A mutation used to update a cart’s details such as region, customer email, shipping address, and more. Using it is equivalent to using the useUpdateCart mutation.
cartOmit<Cart, "refundable_amount" | "refunded_total">
The currently-used cart.
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