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In this document, you’ll learn how to integrate Medusa with Strapi.


This plugin is a community plugin and is not managed by the official Medusa team. It supports v4 of Strapi. If you run into any issues, please refer to the repository of the community plugin.


Strapi is an open source headless CMS service that allows developers to have complete control over their content models. It can be integrated into many other frameworks, including Medusa.

By integrating Strapi into Medusa, you can benefit from powerful features in your ecommerce store, including detailed product CMS details, two-way sync, an easy-to-use interface to use for static content and pages, and much more.


Medusa Components

This guide assumes you already have a Medusa backend installed. If not, you can learn how to install it here.

An event bus module must be installed and configured on your Medusa backend to sync data from Medusa to Strapi. You can install the Redis event bus module.

Strapi Database

You must create a PostgreSQL database to be used with Strapi. You can refer to PostgreSQL’s documentation for more details.

Setup Strapi Project

In this section, you’ll setup a Strapi project with a Medusa plugin installed. To do that:

1. Clone the Strapi project repository:

git clone

2. Change to the medusa-strapi-repo/packages/medusa-strapi directory.

3. Copy the .env.test file to a new .env file.

Change Strapi Environment Variables

In the .env file, change the following environment variables:

# IMPORTANT: Change supersecret with random and unique strings



  1. Change APP_KEYS, API_TOKEN_SALT, JWT_SECRET, and ADMIN_JWT_SECRET to a random and unique string. These keys are used by Strapi to sign session cookies, generate API tokens, and more.
  2. Change MEDUSA_STRAPI_SECRET to a random unique string. The value of this environment variable is used later in your Medusa configurations.
  3. Change MEDUSA_BACKEND_URL to the URL of your Medusa backend. If you’re running it locally, it should be http://localhost:9000.
  4. Change MEDUSA_BACKEND_ADMIN to the URL of your Medusa admin. If you’re running it locally, it should be http://localhost:7001.
  5. Change the following environment variables to define the Strapi super user:
    1. SUPERUSER_EMAIL: the super user’s email. By default, it’s
    2. SUPERUSER_USERNAME: the super user’s username. By default, it’s SuperUser.
    3. SUPERUSER_PASSWORD: the super user’s password. By default, it’s MedusaStrapi1.
    4. SUPERUSER_FIRSTNAME: the super user’s first name. By default, it’s Medusa.
    5. SUPERUSER_LASTNAME: the super user’s last name. By default, it’s Commerce.
  6. Change the database environment variables based on your database configurations. All database environment variables start with DATABASE_.
  7. You can optionally configure other services, such as S3 or MeiliSearch, as explained here.

Build Packages

Once you’re done, install and build packages in the root medusa-strapi-repo directory:

# Install packages
npm install
# Build packages
npm run build

Install Plugin in Medusa

In the directory of your Medusa backend, run the following command to install the Strapi plugin:

npm install medusa-plugin-strapi-ts

Configure Plugin

Next, add the plugin to the plugins array in medusa-config.js:

const plugins = [
// ...
resolve: "medusa-plugin-strapi-ts",
options: {
strapi_protocol: process.env.STRAPI_PROTOCOL,
strapi_host: process.env.STRAPI_SERVER_HOSTNAME,
strapi_port: process.env.STRAPI_PORT,
strapi_secret: process.env.STRAPI_SECRET,
strapi_default_user: {
username: process.env.STRAPI_MEDUSA_USER,
password: process.env.STRAPI_MEDUSA_PASSWORD,
email: process.env.STRAPI_MEDUSA_EMAIL,
confirmed: true,
blocked: false,
provider: "local",
strapi_admin: {
username: process.env.STRAPI_SUPER_USERNAME,
password: process.env.STRAPI_SUPER_PASSWORD,
email: process.env.STRAPI_SUPER_USER_EMAIL,
auto_start: true,

The plugin accepts the following options:

  1. strapi_protocol: The protocol of the Strapi server. If running locally, it should be http. Otherwise, it should be https.
  2. strapi_host: the domain of the Strapi server. If running locally, use
  3. strapi_port: the port that the Strapi server is running on, if any. If running locally, use 1337.
  4. strapi_secret: the same secret used for the MEDUSA_STRAPI_SECRET environment variable in the Strapi project.
  5. strapi_default_user: The details of an existing user or a user to create in the Strapi backend that is used to update data in Strapi. It’s an object accepting the following properties:
    1. username: The user’s username.
    2. password: The user’s password.
    3. email: The user’s email.
    4. confirmed: Whether the user is confirmed.
    5. blocked: Whether the user is blocked.
    6. provider: The name of the authentication provider.
  6. strapi_admin: The details of the super admin. The super admin is only used to create the default user if it doesn’t exist. It’s an object accepting the following properties:
    1. username: the super admin’s username. Its value is the same as that of the SUPERUSER_USERNAME environment variable in the Strapi project.
    2. password: the super admin’s password. Its value is the same as that of the SUPERUSER_PASSWORD environment variable in the Strapi project.
    3. email: the super admin’s email. Its value is the same as that of the SUPERUSER_EMAIL environment variable in the Strapi project.
  7. auto_start: Whether to initialize the Strapi connection when Medusa starts. Disabling this may cause issues when syncing data from Medusa to Strapi.

Refer to the plugin’s README for more options.

Make sure to add the necessary environment variables for the above options in .env:




Test Integration

To test the integration between Medusa and Strapi, first, start the Strapi server by running the following command in the medusa-strapi-repo/packages/medusa-strapi directory:

npm run develop

Then, start the Medusa backend by running the following command in the root directory of your Medusa backend:

Medusa Backend
npx medusa develop

If the connection to Strapi is successful, you’ll find the following message logged in your Medusa backend with no errors:

info:    Checking Strapi Health ,data: 
debug: check-url: ,data:
info: Strapi Subscriber Initialized

Two-Way Syncing

To test syncing data from Medusa to Strapi, try creating or updating a product either using the Medusa admin or the REST APIs. This triggers the associated event in Medusa, which makes the updates in Strapi.


If data isn’t synced with Strapi when making updates in Medusa, make sure that you’ve installed the event bus module as explained in the Prerequisites section and that the events are triggered.

To test syncing data from Strapi to Medusa, try updating one of the products in the Strapi dashboard. If you check the product’s details in Medusa, they’re updated as expected.


Data is only synced to Strapi once you create or update them. So, if you have products in your Medusa backend from before integrating Strapi, they won’t be available by default in Strapi. You’ll have to make updates to them, which triggers the update in Strapi.

Synced Entities

The Medusa and Strapi plugins support syncing the following Medusa entities:

  • Region
  • Product
  • ProductVariant
  • ProductCollection
  • ProductCategory

Learn More

To learn more about the integration between Medusa and Strapi, refer to the community plugin.

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